Lo-tech ISA CompactFlash PCBs

Auswahl, Einrichtung und Betrieb von Rechnern und Komponenten
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: Di 3. Dez 2013, 22:20

Lo-tech ISA CompactFlash PCBs

Beitrag von J1mbo »

Hi All

I've got more PCB stock in and (IMO) an improved shop page: http://www.lo-tech.co.uk/shop/

I also decided to run another batch of XT-CF-lite PCBs, since there has been steady requests for them on email, and for the first time am making the custom ISA slot brackets available as well.

Enjoy :)
Beiträge: 699
Registriert: Di 20. Aug 2013, 13:17

Re: Lo-tech ISA CompactFlash PCBs

Beitrag von Paladin »

Hi, i see this thing for first Time. How fast is it? and what is the Maximum Space of a CF Card?
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: Di 3. Dez 2013, 22:20

Re: Lo-tech ISA CompactFlash PCBs

Beitrag von J1mbo »

Hi, there are many factors affecting throughput, but in a stock IBM PC 5150 or 5160, with 4.77MHz CPU, and a single-sector capable (standard) CompactFlash card, it should deliver about 160KB/s. Using a multi-sector capable CompactFlash card, like SanDisk Utlra II, and 16-bit BIU mode, this rises to about 240KB/s.

With a Z80 CPU, it will run considerably faster since the CPU supports the form REP INSW.

If you want faster, my DMA capable XT-CFv3 will deliver 500KB/s+ in a stock IBM PC 5150 or 5160, however there is no current availability of the Xilinx XC9536 CPLD unfortunately.

A single 8GB CompactFlash card can provide the maximum usable fixed disk space under MS-DOS (MS-DOS limit is 4 partitions of 2GB each).

Hope that helps :)
Beiträge: 31
Registriert: Di 12. Jun 2012, 21:18

Re: Lo-tech ISA CompactFlash PCBs

Beitrag von sascha2000 »


here my video showing my ATARI PC3 booting MSDOS 6.22, starting Volkov Commander and than by manual input starting intro of prince of persia.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29kwYvIf ... e=youtu.be

ATARI PC 3 equiped with 8bit ISA VGA, Soundblaster and Lo-tech ISA CompactFlash Adapter 2gb.

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Registriert: Mi 9. Mai 2007, 16:42
Wohnort: Berlin XBerg

Re: Lo-tech ISA CompactFlash PCBs

Beitrag von Shockwav3 »

sascha2000 hat geschrieben:Hello,

here my video showing my ATARI PC3 booting MSDOS 6.22, starting Volkov Commander and than by manual input starting intro of prince of persia.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29kwYvIf ... e=youtu.be

ATARI PC 3 equiped with 8bit ISA VGA, Soundblaster and Lo-tech ISA CompactFlash Adapter 2gb.

Neat mousepad, but why would anyone want to use the horrible STM1 on a PC? ;)
Hauptsystem: Asus VL/I-486SV2GX4, DX2 @ 66MHz, 1MB L2 Cache, 64MB RAM, 1GB CF HDD, Cirrus Logic 5428 VLB, ARGUS Prototype Rev. 02 #0, umschaltbarer Covox/DSS-DAC, 2x LPT, DOS 6.22 + Win 3.11
Beiträge: 31
Registriert: Di 12. Jun 2012, 21:18

Re: Lo-tech ISA CompactFlash PCBs

Beitrag von sascha2000 »

>Neat mousepad

Thank you! you may buy the same for 2,60€ + shipping. I have produced them for the ZX-Team. There is existing a ZX80, ZX81 and Spectrum version.

Here the link:

http://forum.tlienhard.com/phpBB3/viewt ... b95673be53

The price is exactly what I have payed for, so I make no win ... (you can take all information form that link above)

> but why would anyone want to use the horrible STM1 on a PC?
I like that mouse it looks cool. However the atari dos mouse driver seems not to work with todays software ...... when starting GEM it works for some seconds and freezes. On Vc, DC, TURBO C it does not work.