Iam a huge fan of schneider euro pc computer, and decide to write here because I saw posts about sd reader, ram expansion, and bios dump here.
Talking with a brazilian guy one time, the guy told me about his euro pc. This euro pc was overclocked, but i dont know how. He talked about a modification of bios or maybe the change of the main cristal (28mhz). I try to do this myself changing the 28mhz for a 32mhz......but the results are always the same, no image and the system hangs.
Maybe with an euro at bios, or modyfing an euro pc bios, the overclock may be done by software.......i dont know.
If anyone of this forum knows how to overclock or try it, i really like to know, for help , test and do it too.
In normal xt boards, the crystal change works, and you can overclock quite good this computers.
Many thanks, and hope we can overclock this nice machines. Can you imagine play outrun at 12mhz on a euro pc ?