Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Auswahl, Einrichtung und Betrieb von Rechnern und Komponenten
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Registriert: Mi 21. Apr 2010, 11:44
Wohnort: Hamburg Horn

Re: Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Beitrag von freecrac »

drzeissler hat geschrieben:übrigens hattet Ihr Recht. Grafikkarten die an LCD/TFT Streifen gezogen haben, haben diese am CRT überhaupt nicht. Das Bild ist am CRT einwandfrei. Daher habe ich die "alte" Tseng ET4000 W32p wieder eingebaut und somit "fast" das beste aus allen Welten.

1. Hat die Karte 1MB und VESA in Hardware mit allen möglichen Auflösungen und Farbtiefen
2. Ist die Karte sau flott, zum Teil noch schneller als die SPEA
3. Habe ich jetzt ENDLICH in Win 3.0 und auch in 3.1 mehr als 16 Farben.
4. Fallen die Streifen am LCD/TFT am CRT nicht mehr auf.

Die Karte hat nur einen ganz kleinen Nachteil, das Bild ist deutlich dunkler als bei den anderen Karten. Da die CRT's nicht so hell sind wie die TFT's muss ich am CRT schon mächtig aufdrehen, damit das Bild in Ordnung ist. Man kann vermutlich die Bildeinstellung bezüglich Helligkeit nicht mittels Software auf der Karte einstellen ? Hätte mir vorstellen können, dass es vielleicht ein Tool gibt, was solche Einstellungen ermöglicht.
Ich vermute es hat eher mit den analogen Ausgangsfiltern, oder so zu tun und das ist nicht softwareseitig zu verändern.

An ein dunkleres Bild kann ich mich bei meiner damaligen Tseng ET4000 W32p(VLB;2 MB) aber nicht erinnern.
Selber gespielt habe ich damit wenn überhaupt nur sehr wenig. Die Karte sollte nur 800x600x24 anzeigen können und nur deswegen habe ich sie mir gekauft. An den Preis für die Karte im Ladengeschäft kann ich mich schon gar nicht mehr erinnern.

Beiträge: 2347
Registriert: Mo 8. Feb 2010, 16:59

Re: Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Beitrag von drzeissler »

Ich habe jetzt umfangreichere Tests gemacht und habe folgendes festgestellt.

Die ET4000-Chips sind nicht das Richtige für meinen Tower-AT. Es gibt ein Problem mit dem MT-32 bzw. dessen MPU-401 Interface. Sobald das MT-32 genutzt wird, wird die Grafik unglaublich langsam und der Rechner arbeitet gefühlt nur noch mit 1 Mhz. Wenn ich eine andere Karte verbaue bspw. die SPEA ist alles einwandfrei.

Ich werde jetzt noch mal schauen und eine Trident suchen die eventuell auch Win30 Treibersupport hat und vielleicht sogar mit TrueColor .

Unabhängig davon experimentiere ich derzeit mit der Onboard-EGA Grafik, die zwar in den Benchmarks SEHR viel laangsamer ist, als alle VGA-Karten, dennoch hat die EGA Grafik einen gewissen Reiz.

Wenn ich keine VGA-Karte mehr verbaue sollte, habe natürlich sehr viel weniger lauffähige Spiele, aber die richtig tollen Sachen bspw. SQ3 oder BioManace laufen sowieso nur mit EGA. Die Farben unter EGA sind an sich sehr schön, wenn sie denn richtig genutzt werden, was nicht oft vorkommt.

http://www.welovedosgames.net/article/C ... 0graphics/

Kann mir jemand erklären, wofür ich die EGA.CPI unter Dos brauche ? Bisher habe ich die nichtmal am Tower-AT in der Config.sys.

CPU: 486 DX2/66 MOBO: SNI-D882 RAM: 3x16MB - FDD: 3,5" 1,44MB HDD: 6,4GB Seagate ISA(1): Audican32Plus PCI(1): 3com TX 905 OS: MsDos622 - Win95a - WinNT 3.51
Beiträge: 2347
Registriert: Mo 8. Feb 2010, 16:59

Re: Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Beitrag von drzeissler »

Mal ne Grundsatzfrage an die Experten:

Wenn ich der Grafikkarte den IRQ2/9 sperre, weil er sich mit dem MT-32 bzw. der MPU401iKarte beisst, was hat das dann für eine Auswirkung auf die Grafikausgabe ?

Braucht die Grafikkarte zwingend einen IRQ ?
CPU: 486 DX2/66 MOBO: SNI-D882 RAM: 3x16MB - FDD: 3,5" 1,44MB HDD: 6,4GB Seagate ISA(1): Audican32Plus PCI(1): 3com TX 905 OS: MsDos622 - Win95a - WinNT 3.51
Beiträge: 1218
Registriert: Fr 1. Okt 2010, 10:40
Wohnort: Australien

Re: Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Beitrag von philscomputerlab »

Aha das ist interessant.

In manchen Sockel 7 motherboards habe ich Probleme mit ACPI welches auch auf IRQ2/9 daheim ist. Die meisten Spiele gehen, aber in Verbindung mit einem PCI SATA Kontroller und Gateway (welches den IRQ prueft) haengt sich die Kiste auf.

Auf allen PCs habe ich aber ohne Probleme eine TSENG ET4000 benutzt. Mit MT-32 und nie Probleme gehabt. Bin mir sicher dass der IRQ 2 gesetzt ist.

Hier ein Bild der Karte:

Aber wenn das Problem mit einer anderen Karte geloest ist, warum nicht. Karten mit WD chip sind genauso schnell (Speedstar 24X).


XXL Bild: http://i.imgur.com/2pFTN8o.jpg
Beiträge: 606
Registriert: So 17. Okt 2010, 14:40

Re: Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Beitrag von wobo »

drzeissler hat geschrieben: Wenn ich der Grafikkarte den IRQ2/9 sperre, weil er sich mit dem MT-32 bzw. der MPU401iKarte beisst, was hat das dann für eine Auswirkung auf die Grafikausgabe ?
M.W. hat das keine Auswirkungen. IRQ-Handling wird ohnehin nicht von allen VGAs unterstützt, so dass alle mir vorliegenden VGA-Dokus ohnehin abraten, den IRQ zu benutzen. Du solltest also keine Probleme haben, wenn Du den IRQ der Grafikkarte abstellst.
Beiträge: 2347
Registriert: Mo 8. Feb 2010, 16:59

Re: Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Beitrag von drzeissler »

Danke, dann werde ich die ET4000 wieder einbauen.
CPU: 486 DX2/66 MOBO: SNI-D882 RAM: 3x16MB - FDD: 3,5" 1,44MB HDD: 6,4GB Seagate ISA(1): Audican32Plus PCI(1): 3com TX 905 OS: MsDos622 - Win95a - WinNT 3.51
Beiträge: 2347
Registriert: Mo 8. Feb 2010, 16:59

Re: Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Beitrag von drzeissler »

Ich konnte jetzt abschließend feststellen, dass eine ET4000 mit einem MIDI-Interface in dem Schneider Tower AT Probleme macht.
Ich habe daher jetzt die ET4000 herausgenommen. Was ich bisher nicht wusste ist die Tatsache, dass mein Gerät ein ehr seltenes
Sondermodell ist. Ich fahre jetzt auch mit der Onboard Grafik. Leider kann ich das HiresEGA noch nicht nutzen, da mein EGA-Monitor
anscheinend "nur" 640x350 Punkt kann.
Zuletzt geändert von drzeissler am Sa 22. Mär 2014, 01:25, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
CPU: 486 DX2/66 MOBO: SNI-D882 RAM: 3x16MB - FDD: 3,5" 1,44MB HDD: 6,4GB Seagate ISA(1): Audican32Plus PCI(1): 3com TX 905 OS: MsDos622 - Win95a - WinNT 3.51
Beiträge: 2347
Registriert: Mo 8. Feb 2010, 16:59

Re: Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Beitrag von drzeissler »

Sammlerstück: Schneiders Tower-AT in kleiner Sonderserie
An einem zierlichen Schriftzug erkennt man den "Mega". Es wird nur 2000 Exemplare dieser Schneider-Sonderserie des Tower-AT 220 geben. Er kostet 300 Mark mehr.

Da lacht das Sammlerherz und der Computerfan bekommt feuchte Hände: Der "Mega" von Schneider wird nur 2000mal gebaut. Es ist ein Tower-AT 220 in limitierter Auflage und mit besonderen Mega-Werten.

Was die Autoindustrie schon lange praktiziert, wird jetzt auch in der Computerbranche modern: die Produktpalette durch edle, limitierte Kleinserien aufzuwerten. Der "Mega" von Schneider ist das jüngste und eines der ersten Beispiele dafür. Nur 2000 Exemplare wird es von dieser aufgewerteten Ausführung des Tbwer-AT 220 (siehe lest in HÄPPY-COMPUTER 11/88) geben. Äußerlich weist nur der dezente, geschwungene Schriftzug "Mega" auf diese Besonderheit hin. Sonst sieht er genauso wie der Tower-AT aus. Auch die inneren Werte sind ähnlich denen des 220, allerdings mit dem Unterschied, daß der Mega mit 1 MByte RAM einen doppelt so großen Hauptspeicher besitzt wie der Normal-Tower. Und auch das neue 3,5-Zoll-Diskettenlaufwerk macht dem Namen Mega alle Ehre: 1,44 MByte beträgt seine Kapazität. In der Grundversion stattet Schneider den 220 üblicherweise mit einem 720-KByte-Laufwerk aus.

Technik und Ausstattung des Mega-Towers entsprechen ansonsten völlig der Serie, er ist also ebenfalls ein kompakter und leistungsstarker AT: Die Regie im Innern führt der 80286-Prozes-sor von Intel, vom Quarz-Oszillator wahlweise mit 5 oder 10 MHz getaktet (bei 0 Wait-States). Weitere Rechenpower bringt ein Coprozessor,

für den bereits ein Sockel auf der Mutterplatine bereitsteht. Gleich neben dem Prozessor kauert ein vielseitiger Grafikchip. Er kann nicht nur Hercules-, CGA- und EGA-Auflösung darstellen, sondern zeigt darüber hinaus eine besondere Leistung: Zusammen mit einem hochauflösenden Monitor und der entsprechenden Software schafft er 800 x 600 Bildpunkte bei 16 Farben.

Da die Elektronik für die Grafikdarstellung auf der Mutterplatine untergebracht ist, verliert der Mega keinen Steckplatz an eine Grafikkarte. Damit stehen im kompakten Tower-AT immerhin vier freie Steckplätze zur Verfügung. Neben den Schächten der Steckplätze finden sich an der Rückseite des Tower-Gehäuses einige Buchsen. Dort können der Drucker, ein externes 5%-Zoll-Diskettenlaufwerk, der Monitor, die AT-Tastatur, die Stromversorgung und eine Maus (RS232) angeschlossen werden. Außerdem besitzt der Mega noch eine weitere serielle Schnittstelle.

Als Sprinter entpuppte sich im Test die 20-MByte-Festplatte. Das Exemplar vom Typ Miniscribe 8423 brachte es bei einem Datendurchsatz von 450,8 KByte pro Sekunde auf eine mittlere Zugriffszeit von 28,1 Millisekunden. Im Praxistest schnitt der Mega allerdings nicht so gut ab. Er ist mit einem AT-Faktor von 0.88 langsamer als der Referenz-AT, das PS/2-Modell 60 von IBM. In allen Tests — Startzeit, Grafikausgabe, Kompatibilität zu Standardprogrammen (siehe auch Seite 28) — fiel der Mega deutlich hinter das Referenzmodell zurück.

In der Grundausstattung mit Monochrom-Bildschirm (Bernstein), einem 3,5-Zoll-Laufwerk (1,44 MByte), einer 20-MByte-Festplatte (Miniscribe 8425). MS-DOS 3.3, Handbuch und dem Programmpaket "Works" kostet der Mega nur rund 300 Mark
mehr als das Serien-Modell, nämlich knapp 3800 Mark. In der Nobel-Ausstattung mit EGA-Bildschirm (rund 4600 Mark) oder mit Mulitscan-Farbmonitor (knapp 5300 Mark) bleibt der Mega preislich ebenfalls fast auf "Tower" -Niveau. Die zusätzliche RAM-Ausstattung und das 1,44-MByte-Laufwerk geriet mit 300 Mark Aufpreis äußerst günstig. Eine entsprechende Aufrüstung des Serien-Towers ist deutlich teurer: Alleine der Disketten-Einbausatz für das 1,44 MByte-Laufwerk kostet schon rund 500 Mark.

Attraktive Alternative
Insgesamt ist der Mega ein verhältnismäßig flotter, sehr leiser und darüber hinaus sogar noch optisch attraktiver Vertreter der AT-Klasse. Mit seiner kompletten Ausstattung bietet Schneider eine ernsthafte Alternative zu den günstigen ATs ohne Markennamen. Natürlich hat der Mega auch im Vergleich zum Serien-Tower den Wind im Rücken, denn neben dem besseren Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis wird es ja nur 2000 Megas geben. Das weckt manche Sammlerleidenschaft und vielleicht ist zukünftig ein gebrauchter Mega mehr Wert als heute ein neuer.

"Works" zum Arbeiten
Das sowohl beim Tower-AT als auch beim Mega im Lieferumfang enthaltene "Works" sollte ein Käufer in seiner finanziellen Kalkulation nicht vergessen. Alleine kostet dieses Softwarepaket von Microsoft nämlich rund 800 Mark. "Works" ist einfach zu bedienen und beinhaltet eine Textverarbeitung, die ähnlich wie Word arbeitet sowie eine Datenbank, Tabellenkalkulation und sogar noch ein Terminalprogramm zur Datenfernübertragung. Damit kann ein Tower-Besitzer sofort arbeiten, ohne erst noch viel Geld für Software ausgeben zu müssen. Works wird mit deutscher Anleitung geliefert.
megaat.jpg (18.78 KiB) 8193 mal betrachtet
CPU: 486 DX2/66 MOBO: SNI-D882 RAM: 3x16MB - FDD: 3,5" 1,44MB HDD: 6,4GB Seagate ISA(1): Audican32Plus PCI(1): 3com TX 905 OS: MsDos622 - Win95a - WinNT 3.51
Beiträge: 2347
Registriert: Mo 8. Feb 2010, 16:59

Re: Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Beitrag von drzeissler »

2 Mega habe ich :-) Sind als o nur noch 1998 Stück da :-)
CPU: 486 DX2/66 MOBO: SNI-D882 RAM: 3x16MB - FDD: 3,5" 1,44MB HDD: 6,4GB Seagate ISA(1): Audican32Plus PCI(1): 3com TX 905 OS: MsDos622 - Win95a - WinNT 3.51
Beiträge: 2347
Registriert: Mo 8. Feb 2010, 16:59

Re: Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Beitrag von drzeissler »

Der Mega wird von Tag zu Tag besser. Ich bekomme immer mehr Dinge zum Laufen und die Möglichkeiten sind erstaunlich vielfältig die so ein 286/10 ermöglicht. Es ist schon manchmal krass, wenn man Benches vergleicht und sieht, wie "langsam" der 286er in den Benches aussieht und dann stellt man fest, dass es gar keinen Unterschied macht, ob man BioManace mit 400Mhz oder 10 Mhz spielt.
Das ist schon echt krass!!!

Die Programmierer haben früher wirklich das Optimum aus den Kisten geholt. Heute beschäftigt man sich nur noch mit Layer über Layer und nicht mehr mit dem Kern der Maschine.
Das Ergfenis ist bekannt. Die früheren Programmierer sind meine Helden!!!

Was ist neu bei dem Rechner dazugekommen:

Ich hatte ja geschrieben, dass die ET4000 problematisch mit dem MT-32 ist. Das stimmt zwart, gillt aber nur für die HiColor und TrueColor-Modelle. Die 256Farb-Versionen gehen einwandfrei. Ich habe mich vorläufig gegen EGA entschieden. Das hat zwei Gründe.

1. Ich habe keinen zuverlässig laufenden EGA-Monitor
2. EGA hat ggf. Performanceprobleme, die VGA nicht hat (bei dem gleichen Rechner wohlgemerkt) bspw. Menace ruckelt unter EGA; unter VGA mit EGA Darstellung absolut ruckelfrei.

Ich habe also eine Diamond SpeedstarVGA eingebaut (ET4000/1MB/256F). Dafür gibt es hervorragende Treiber für Win30 und Win31. Ich habe derzeit Win30 im Einsatz.

Ich konnte den DAC am LPT1-Durchschleifport des ZIP100 erfolgfreich in Betrieb nehmen. Das Covox ist eine echte Alternative zur SB und wurde glücklicherweise auch in der Demoscene verwendet. Danke an Shockwave!! für das tolle Teil. (Das zweite wird demnächst am Euro-PC zum Einsatz gebracht.

CPU: 486 DX2/66 MOBO: SNI-D882 RAM: 3x16MB - FDD: 3,5" 1,44MB HDD: 6,4GB Seagate ISA(1): Audican32Plus PCI(1): 3com TX 905 OS: MsDos622 - Win95a - WinNT 3.51
Beiträge: 2347
Registriert: Mo 8. Feb 2010, 16:59

Re: Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Beitrag von drzeissler »

Nach langer Zeit wieder mal über den Schneider und seine Ausbaustufe nachgedacht, dabei wurden folgende Fragen aufgeworfen.

Ich habe eine Tower-AT Variante mit 12,5 MHz ungemoddeten 1MB Ram und einer BocaRAM-AT mit 1MB.
Derzeit ist die Raumausstattung wie folgt eingestellt:

- Deaktivierung von 512KB des verlöteten Hauptspeichers des 286er Boards.
- Backfill von 128KB zur Auffüllen auf 640KB Hauptspeicher über die BocaRAM/AT
- 1536KB Extended Memory über die BocaRAM/AT

Die BocaRAM/AT ist mit 2MB voll bestückt und könnte über ein Sandwichboard noch auf 4MB gebracht werden, was hier aber kein Thema sein soll.

Jetzt aber die Probleme:
1. Ich brauche für Deluxepaint 256KB EMS Speicher
2. Ich brauche für Win286 Expanded Memory

Derzeit löse ich Problem 1 über den EMM286, der 64KB Ram unterhalb von 640KB sperrt und damit ermöglicht von dem Extend-Speicher Teile oder den ganzen Extenderspeicher als EMS deklarieren.
Da aber die 64KB Ram fehlen ist das mit EMM286 keine "Dauerlösung".

Problem 2 kann ich bisher gar nicht lösen. Ich bekomme in meiner Konstellation derzeit immer nur 640KB nutzbar, egal was ich mache.

Im Handbuch der BocaRAM/AT steht aber auch, dass man neben Extended auch Expander-Speicher sowie eine Kombination von beiden möglich sind.
Die Frage ist jetzt, kann ich Expanded mit EMS gleichsetzten; sprich nützt mir das umstellen von Extended auf Expanded etwas für das Deluxepaintproblem mit dem EMS oder nützt mir das nix?

Was passiert mit der Performance, angeblich ist Expanded SEHR langsam (Handbuch Win30 Jörg Schieb). Ich muss anscheinend auch Treiber der BocaRAM/AT installieren, stellt sich die Frage, wieviele diese dann verbrauchen.

Ich hoffe Ihr könnt das was zu sagen.

Danke Euch

Code: Alles auswählen

                              6401 Congress Avenue
                           Boca Raton, FL. 33487-2841

  The following are BocaRam AT switch settings for various configurations.

  NOTE: Before setting the switches start with both switch banks all OFF.

                                           SW1                SW2   
  512, 1024, 1536 ,2048  Expanded         all off            4,6 on
                                            (see addresses below)

  Use this setting for expanded memory.  You must fill an entire pair of
  banks with chips (512k increments).   

          Switches                           Switches  
    SW1  SW2  SW3  SW4  Port Address (Hex)   SW5  SW6  Segment Address (Hex) 
    on   off  off  off  208/209              off  on   D000 (*) default
    off  on   off  off  218/219              on   off  A000
    off  off  on   off  258/259
    off  off  off  on   268/269 (*) default  

  128k Conventional Backfill, 1536 expanded: 
                                           SW1                SW2   
                                          4,8 on,            4,6 on
  Use this setting for 512k motherboards that you wish to backfill to
  640k.  Banks 0 and 1 should be filled with 64k chips,  The balance of
  the board, banks 2 thru 7, should be filled with 256k chips 
  according to your specific memory size.
  NOTE: You may use 256k chips in banks 0 and 1 but you will be
        wasting 384k; it is not user addressable.

  2048k of Extended (0k extended on system)
                                           SW1                SW2  
                                          3,6 on             all off

  Use this setting for 2048k of extended memory.  Your system board
  should only have 640k base memory.  If you have a 1Meg system, disable
  the 384 extended memory on your mother board.  Set the mother board
  for 640k conventional and 0k extended via hardware switches, jumpers
  on the mother board or CMOS setup; consult the System Guide to 
  Operations for your specific computer.

  2048 Extended (Plus 512k extended on mother board)
                                           SW1                 SW2   
                                          3,4,6 on            all off
  Use this setting for a system with 512k conventional and 512k extended
  already installed on your mother board.  This will give you 2048k
  plus 512k for a total of 2560k.

                                           SW1                 SW2  
  128k Conventional, 1536k extended:      4,6 on              all off

  Use this setting for 512k motherboards that you wish to backfill to
  640k.  Banks 0 and 1 should be filled with 64k chips.  The balance of
  the board, banks 2 thru 7 should be filled with 256k chips.

            SWITCH BLOCK 1 (SW1) SWITCHES 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
            SWITCH BLOCK 2 (SW2) ALL OFF

  Table-1 Uses switches 1,2,3,4. on switch block 1 (SW1).
  Set these switches for the amount of extented memory already installed
  on your mother board. 

  Table-2 Uses switches 5,6,7,8 on switch block 1 (SW1).
  Set these switches for the amount of extended memory you wish to
  allocate on the BOCARAM AT/ board.

  TABLE-1 SWITCHES 1,2,3,4               TABLE-2 SWITCHES 5,6,7,8      
  Amount of Extended Memory              Amount of extended memory
  on system board Prior to               allocated on the  BOCARAM/AT:
  Adding the BocaRam AT.                        
  0k  k         3   on                   512          8     on   
 (no extended, 640k system)
  512 k,        4   on                   1.0 Mbytes,  7     on
  1.0 Mbytes,   2   on                   1.5 Mbytes,  7,8   on
  1.5 Mbytes,   2,4 on                   2.0 Mbytes,  6     on
  2.0 Mbytes,   2,3 on                   2.5 Mbytes,  6,8   on
  2.5 Mbytes,   2,3,4                    3.0 Mbytes,  6,7   on
                                         3.5 Mbytes,  6,7,8 on         
                                         4.0 Mbytes,  5     on
  All other switches not mentioned should be OFF.


  A 640k based system.  0k extended. 512k on BocaRam AT.

  Table 1 - 0k Mbytes Prior to adding the BocaRam AT, switch 3 on SW1.

  Table 2 - 512k on BocaRam AT using extended, switch 8 on SW1.           

  Use TABLE-1 First to set switches 1,2,3,4.
  Then use TABLE-2 to set switches  5,6,7,8.


  This section is concerned with adding BOTH conventional and extended

  To configure the BocaRAM/AT for conventional memory you can use 64kx1
  in banks 0 and 1 to bring you base memory to 640K.
  NOTE:  You may use 256k chips in banks 0 ans 1 but you will be 
         wasting 384k; it is not user addressable.

            SWITCH BLOCK 1 (SW1) SWITCHES 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8         
            SWITCH BLOCK 2 (SW2) ALL OFF            

  Amount of Extended Memory Being Added in addition to 128k backfill.        

  0  M Bytes Extended       4,8 on 
  (128k conventional only)
  512k                      4,7   on 
  1.0 M Bytes               4,7,8 on 
  1.5 M Bytes               4,6   on 
  2.0 M Bytes               4,6,8 on 
  2.5 M Bytes               4,6,7 on 
  3.0 M Bytes               4,6,7,8 on 
  3.5 M Bytes               4,5   on 




  To use both Expanded and Extended memory, set the amount of memory 
  you wish to allocate to extended (SECTION 5) then set the remaining
  to Expanded memory (SECTION 1).

Code: Alles auswählen

BOCARAM/AT PLUS - Memory Expansion Board
Using the BOCARAM/AT PLUS Manual
The purpose of this manual is to provide you with basic installation instructions for the BOCARAM/AT PLUS memory expansion
board. The manual assumes a basic knowledge of computer skills and a working familiarity with computer system memory. All sections should be read carefully before beginning any installation procedures. In addition to following the instructions provided in this manual, you may also need to consult the manuals supplied with your computer.
QUICKSTART: Here are a few examples of extended and expanded memory applications:
Windows 3.0/3.1;OS/2;HIMEM.SYS;XENIX;Lotus 3.1;AutoCAD 386 10 and 11;QEMM 386
Extended memory, sometimes referred to as expansion memory, worksin standard/protected mode and is seen and tested during the Power On Self Test. When running the above applications, configure your board as extended memory. The board's default setting is for extended.
Lotus 2.0 - 2.3;Quattro Pro;Reflex or Paradox;QRAM
Expanded memory, sometimes referred to simply as EMS or LIM EMS, is additional RAM accessed by a paging scheme and is a way around the DOS640K limit. When running the above applications. Configure your board as expanded memory.
1. Remove the cover from your computer.
2. Install the BOCARAM/AT PLUS in the first available 16-bit slot.
3. Replace the cover to your system.
4. Insert a plain bootable DOS diskette (no autoexec.bat or config.sys file) in the A: drive and close the latch on the drive. 5. Turn on the computer and let it boot to the A: prompt.
6. Insert the Boca diskette into the A: drive and close the latch on the drive.
7. Type INSTALL, then press [ENTER].
8. The board's default setting is for extended memory. If needed, the program will also backfill conventional memory.
9. Open the latch on drive A:. Then press any key to reboot.
1. Remove the cover from your computer.
2. Install the BOCARAM/AT PLUS card in the first available 16-bit slot.
3. Replace the cover to your system.
4. Insert a plain bootable DOS diskette (no autoxec.bat or config.sys file) in the A: drive and close the latch on the drive.
5. Turn on the computer and let it boot to the A: prompt.
6. Insert the Boca diskette into the A: drive and close the latch.
7. Type ADVINST and press [ENTER].
8. Follow on-screen prompts. Here, you may make adjustments to system parameters if necessary.
9. A Memory Allocation screen is presented where you will be offered choices for an expanded memory configuration. ADVINST will, if necessary, modify your existing CONFIG.SYS or create one if it does not already exist. Your CMOS will also be updated as needed.
10. Open the latch on drive A:. Press any key to reboot the system. The system must be rebooted to initialize expanded memory. Note: AutoCAD (release 9 or 10) will use extended or expanded memory.
Extended/Expanded Combination*
*Some operating environments may require a combination of extended and expanded memory. Example: running Microsoft Windows (requires extended memory) with a non-Windows application which requires expanded memory such as Quattro Pro.
1. Remove the cover from your computer.
2. Install the BOCARAM/AT PLUS in the first available 16-bit slot.
3. Replace the cover to your system.
4. Insert a plain bootable DOS diskette (no autoexec.bat or config.sys file) in the A: drive and close the latch on the drive.
5. Turn on the computer and let it boot to the A: prompt.
6. Insert the Boca diskette into the A: drive and close the latch on the drive.
7. Type ADVINST, then press [ENTER].
8. Follow on-screen prompts. Here, you may make adjustments to system parameters if necessary.
9. A Memory Allocation screen is presented where you will be offered choices for extended/expanded memory configuration combinations. ADVINST will, if necessary, modify your existing CONFIG.SYS or create one if it does not already exist. Your CMOS will also be updated as needed.
10. Open the latch on drive A:. Press any key to reboot the system. The system must be re-booted to initialize expanded memory.
Congratulations on having purchased the BOCARAM/AT PLUS memory board for your IBM AT, PS/2 Model 30 286, 80386-based computer, or other 16- bit AT bus compatible computers. This owner's manual explains how to configure and install your BOCARAM/AT PLUS for use with your computer. The standard examples used throughout the manual refer to installation in a standard AT computer. If you are installing this board in a computer of a different configuration, please refer to its owner's manual for specific installation information. In addition to this document, please refer to the file called ATPLUS.DOC on your utility diskette. This file contains the most recent information pertaining to the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board. To display this file, place your BOCARAM/AT PLUS utility diskette in the A: drive of your computer, type A: and press ENTER. Now type: TYPE ATPLUS.DOC | MORE [ENTER] This displays one full screen of information. Continue pressing ENTER until there is no more information to display. The BOCARAM/AT PLUS satisfies the continuing need for more memory and faster processing. The memory on your BOCARAM/AT PLUS can be used in three ways. First, if your computer has only 512K of conventional memory, the BOCARAM/AT PLUS can be used to increase your conventional memory to 640K. Additionally, the BOCARAM/AT PLUS can provide up to 8 megabytes of Lotus/Intel/Microsoft (LIM) expanded memory per board. Finally, the BOCARAM/AT PLUS can supply your system with up to 8 megabytes of extended memory per board. (For an explanation of conventional, expanded, and extended memory, refer to Section 3). The BOCARAM/AT PLUS may be used to fulfill any combination of these three types of memory. The BOCARAM/AT PLUS allows you to adjust its memory access time by selecting the speed of the Dynamic RAM (DRAM) chips or SIMM modules. The BOCARAM/AT PLUS is software configurable. There are no switches to set. The configuration is stored on board in an Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) chip. Simply run the installation program to configure the board. Each time the system is powered up, the configuration is in place. Changes can be made through the configuration program shipped with the BOCARAM/AT PLUS.
The ATPLUS utility diskette contains the following software:
A program to configure the BOCARAM/AT PLUS as conventional and/or extended memory.
The expanded memory manager which governs the use of expanded memory by application programs.
A utility program used to set up and deallocate RAM disks in expanded memory.
The BOCARAM/AT PLUS disk device driver.
A print spooler which buffers data sent to the printer, allowing you to continue working with your system while printing is in progress.
A test program designed to determine if the board is functioning properly and, if not, to report errors.
The emulated expanded memory manager which provides the use of expanded memory in situations where standard expanded memory is not available.
A status program which tells you how much expanded memory is being used.
A program used to clear stored configuration information. It should be used prior to removing the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board from the system
An advanced installation program (use for configuring board for expanded memory).
A device driver to ensure zero wait-state compatibility.
An informational text file.
A test program designed to determine how much memory is present in your system.
The BRAT80 comes
with 1MB DIPs, while the
uses 1Mb x 9 SIMMs.
Section Three: System Memory Defined
BOCARAM/AT PLUS - Memory Expansion Board
Quick Start Procedures
Section One: Introduction
Section Two: Getting Started
Section Three: System Memory Defined Section Four: Installation
4.1 Setting the BOCARAM/AT PLUS Jumpers 4.2 Physical Installation
4.2.1 Removing the AT Cover
4.2.2 Installing the BOCARAM/AT PLUS 4.2.3 Replacing the AT Cover
4.3 Installing BOCARAM/AT PLUS Software
Section Five: BOCARAM/AT PLUS Utilities
5.1 The BOCARAM/AT PLUS Installation Program 5.2 BRPEMM--Expanded Memory Manager
5.4 BRATSPL--The Print Spooler Program
5.6 BRATEMSE--Emulated Expanded Memory
5.7 EMMSTAT--Expanded Memory Status Program 5.8 BRPCLEAR--Configuration Clearing Program 5.9 ADVINST--Advanced Installation
5.10 BRATZERO--Zero Wait-State Device Driver 5.11 BRATMEM--Memory Size Determination
Appendix A: Adding RAM Chips
DIP (DRAM) Version
SIMM Version
Appendix B: Technical Specifications Appendix C:Troubleshooting
Possible Hardware Conflicts Memory Mapping
Port Addressing Expanded Memory In Case of a Conflict
If the System Will Not Power Up Memory Error During Boot-up
Appendix D: FCC Statement
Appendix E: Warranty Policies
Appendix F: Servicing Your Boca Product
Section Two: Getting Started
Before going any further, please be sure that, along with this manual, the BOCARAM/AT PLUS memory board and utility diskette have been included in your BOCARAM/AT PLUS package: Please examine closely the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board and diskette to see if there is any obvious damage which may have occurred during shipment. If any damage exists, or if anything appears to be missing, please contact the vendor from whom you purchased the BOCARAM/AT PLUS. The BOCARAM/AT PLUS comes in two versions and is identified with the following product codes:
The BOCARAM/AT PLUS board provides additional memory for your 16-bit, AT-bus compatible computer. An overview of the types and categories of memory used by the computer is included here to provide an understanding of just how the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board can be used to your best advantage.
Conventional, Expanded, Conventional-Expanded, and Extended Memory
When the IBM PC was first introduced in the early 1980s, its central processing unit (CPU) was the Intel 8088 microprocessor. This processor was limited to a 1 megabyte address space. In other words, the microprocessor could access up to 1024K of memory. At about the same time that IBM introduced its first PCs, Intel was introducing the 80286 microprocessor. The 80286 represented a major advancement since it was compatible with its predecessor, the 8088, but was also capable of directly accessing 16 Meg of memory. Intel implemented the backwards compatibility by having two distinct modes of operation on the 80286. The 8088 compatible mode is referred to as "Real Mode," while the 80286's native mode is called "Protected Mode." Intel has also introduced the 80386 microprocessor, which is backwards compatible with both the 8088 and the 80286 modes. Many computers on the market currently use the 80386 microprocessor with the standard 16-bit AT- bus. These computers are compatible with the BOCARAM/AT PLUS.
Conventional Memory
When IBM first developed the Personal Computer, it was available with a number of operating systems. The most popular was the operating system developed by Microsoft, PC-DOS (Disk Operating System). Microsoft developed DOS for the 8088 microprocessor and is built around the limitation of a 1 Meg address space. DOS uses 640K of its assumed 1 Meg of memory for programs. The rest of the 1 Meg of address space is reserved for video display RAM, system BIOS (Basic Input Output System) ROM (Read Only Memory), and other device ROM and RAM. Computers which run under DOS only efficiently use a 1 Meg address space. Computers with 80286/80386 processors running under DOS generally operate in Real Mode. This permits the processor to address a maximum of only 1 Meg of memory. Conventional memory (sometimes called system memory) is the memory that DOS can access directly. While the 80286/80386 microprocessor operating in its 8088 compatible mode can access 1 megabyte (1 Meg), DOS (which is the interface between the user and the microprocessor) can only deal with 640K (640 kilobytes) or 655360 bytes of memory. In some special cases DOS can access slightly more than 640K, but as a general rule 640K is the DOS limit. Since most programs such as word processors and data bases use DOS to interface with the microprocessor, they are also limited to using only 640K. This memory limit has become a problem since it imposes major restrictions on the creation of large data bases, spreadsheets, CAD system files, etc. These programs often require considerably more than 640K of memory.
Expanded Memory
Expanded memory is a way around the DOS 640K limit. Various companies have devised their own methods of getting around the DOS limit, but the most popular method uses the expanded memory specification developed by Lotus, Intel, and Microsoft. Originally introduced by the Lotus Development Corporation in conjunction with the Intel Corporation, the Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) 3.0 became a fairly standardized means of getting around the DOS 640K limit. Later, Microsoft joined these two companies, and this resulted in the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft (LIM) EMS 3.2 standard. In late 1987 a new standard, LIM EMS 4.0, was created. The expanded memory capability of BOCARAM/AT PLUS complies with the EMS 4.0 as defined by Lotus/Intel/Microsoft. Software packages compatible with the LIM EMS 3.2 specification are also compatible with the BOCARAM/AT PLUS EMS 4.0 driver. How LIM expanded memory works: As stated, the 80286/80386 microprocessor, when in Real Mode, can access 1 megabyte of memory. Part of that megabyte is the 640K used by DOS. Another part is the 128K used by the computer's ROM. For the rest, the answer is that some of those additional addresses are used for other things such as your screen display. However, there are approximately 128K of addresses left over. The LIM EMS standard takes as many 16K blocks of these unused addresses as possible and uses them as 'windows' into the microprocessor's memory. Think of it as a text file in a word processor. You only get to see one page of text on the screen at a time, even though there are several pages in the file. When you press the Page Down key, the page you were looking at gets replaced by the next page in line. LIM Expanded memory does the same thing, only with memory. This memory 'paging' gives the microprocessor access to an additional 32 megabytes of memory. In order to deal with all the page mapping (Paging Up and Paging Down) a special program called an Expanded Memory Manager is required. This program handles all communication between the programs, microprocessor, and the expanded memory add-on boards. Although LIM EMS has enabled the microprocessor to use the expanded memory, DOS still cannot recognize the additional memory. This problem may be solved by having the programs occasionally ignore DOS and deal with the Expanded Memory Manager (EMM) directly. Consequently, only programs specifically written to communicate with the EMM can use expanded memory.
Conventional-Expanded Memory
In the original Expanded Memory Specification (EMS 3.0) as well as its first revision (EMS 3.2), expanded memory was limited to a single 64K window above the DOS 640K boundary. A competing standard, the Enhanced Expanded Memory Specification (EEMS), permitted expanded memory to be located below the 640K boundary. Most AT machines come equipped with a minimum of at least 512K bytes of memory on the motherboard. This left a 128K region of unused addresses which could be recognized by DOS, but could also be used by EEMS applications. Any expanded memory which is located below the 640K boundary is called conventional-expanded memory. Now that the LIM/EMS 4.0 has been introduced, it incorporates conventional-expanded memory as well as introducing other new features. If you plan to use the BOCARAM/AT PLUS for conventional-expanded memory, you should bring your motherboard conventional memory to 512K. This will allow the BOCARAM/AT PLUS to backfill your computer with conventional-expanded memory. The system will boot up normally and find 640K of conventional memory. The only
BOCARAM/AT PLUS - Memory Expansion Board
time these conventional-expanded pages will be noticed, is when an operating environment written for EMS 4.0 is loaded (e.g., Desqview, Windows 286, Framework II, etc.). In such a case, these environments may use conventional-expanded memory to speed up task switching.
Extended Memory
In 1984, IBM introduced the IBM AT which had an 80286 microprocessor as its CPU (Central Processing Unit). The IBM AT, when running under DOS, operates in Real Mode. This means that 15 Meg of its 16 Meg address space goes virtually unused. This 15 Meg is referred to as EXTENDED memory. DOS provides no management scheme for the extended memory on the 80286 (or 80386), hence its usefulness under DOS is limited. In order to access extended memory from DOS (which operates in Real Mode), the 80286 has to be switched to Protected Mode. This is a fairly cumbersome task and few programs take advantage of it. One of the most commonly used extended memory applications is IBM's VDISK, a RAM resident disk drive utility included in IBM's PC-DOS package. In 1987, IBM introduced a new operating system, OS/2, which was specifically developed for use on its 80286/80386 machines. This operating system can be used on the IBM AT as well as on most of the Personal System/2 (PS/2) machines. OS/2 runs in the 80286/80386's Protected Mode which permits it full access to the 16 Meg address space of the 80286/80386. The BOCARAM/AT PLUS will provide you with all of the extended memory you need. If you are running under OS/2, you will be loading both your operating system and programs into extended memory. When you provide your system with more RAM, OS/2 is able to run larger programs, provide larger disk caches and print buffers, and will switch between tasks more quickly. If running under DOS, as mentioned above, extended memory gives you more data space for sophisticated application programs, or print spoolers and RAM disks. The BOCARAM/AT PLUS can provide the system with a large amount of additional RAM. Since different users want the RAM for different reasons, we made the BOCARAM/AT PLUS extremely flexible. It can be set up to function in any of the three categories of RAM. The BOCARAM/AT PLUS can be used to (1) supply 128K of conventional memory above 512K to provide the full 640K that DOS can use. It can (2) be configured as expanded memory, or (3) it can be used as extended memory. The BOCARAM/AT PLUS can also use its 128K of conventional memory as expanded memory. This can give you full EMS 4.0 compatibility. It is even possible to set up the BOCARAM/AT PLUS to function in all three roles at once. You can use some of the RAM for conventional memory, some more of the RAM as extended memory, and the rest of the RAM as expanded memory. You should, however, always top out your DOS memory to 640K first, before using the extra RAM for expanded or extended memory. Most of the utility software provided on the BOCARAM/AT PLUS diskette is designed to work with expanded memory. This is because expanded memory processes tend to function faster than those using extended memory. Your choice for using expanded and/or extended memory depends on the operating system being used, and which programs are most frequently used.
Section Four: Installation
4.1 Setting the BOCARAM/AT PLUS Jumpers
The BOCARAM/AT PLUS contains two jumper blocks: J1 and J2. J1 consists of four pairs of pins (pair 1 jumpered is the default). Change this ONLY IF you are adding more BOCARAM/AT PLUS boards to your system. Jumper pair 2 for the second board, pair 3 for the third, and pair 4 for the fourth. J2 consists of three pins. Its default jumper is set to enable EEPROM on the board and should NOT be changed.
4.2 Physical Installation
The examples discussed are for installation in a standard AT computer. Some 16-bit compatible computers come in different configurations (such as the PS/2 Model 30 286). Please refer to the User's manual for these computers to install the BOCARAM/AT PLUS.
4.2.1 Removing the AT Cover
These instructions assume an AT-style or compatible machine. Locations and types of screws as well as type of case cover will, of course, vary based on your particular system.
1. Turn the power switch to the OFF position.
2. Remove the power cord from the back of the AT. With the rear panel facing you the power cord is on the left.
3. Using a small screwdriver remove the screws that attach the AT's cover to the rear panel. There are usually five of them.
4. Carefully slide the AT cover forward--away from the rear panel. Take care not to let the cover catch on internal cables to the disk drive and power supply. Once the AT cover is off you will be able to see the internal components and adapter boards inside.
The area of the AT in which the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board will reside is to the left (facing the front) of the disk drives and power supply. There should be five to eight 3" long black edge connectors along the back of the machine. Some or all of these connectors will have a second, shorter connector immediately in front of it. These connector pairs are called 16-bit expansion slots.
4.2.2 Inserting the BOCARAM/AT PLUS
1. Select an empty 16-bit expansion slot (where adapter boards go).
2. Remove the screw and the metal plate that covers the external access to the slot you have selected. Retain the screw for fastening the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board.
3. Insert the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board into the AT or compatible, so that the edge connector on the bottom rear of the board mates with the socket on the motherboard. Press down firmly on the board. Use the removed screw to secure the board.
4.2.3 Replacing the AT Cover
1. Slide the AT cover back over the chassis taking care not to let it catch on the disk drive or power cables. Once the cover is in place, replace all the screws that you removed earlier.
2. Reconnect the cables you have removed from the option boards. Reconnect the keyboard and power cables.
4.3 Installing BOCARAM/AT PLUS Software
Note the BOCARAM/AT PLUS package which includes a 5 1/4" 1.2MB (high-density) diskette. (A 3 1/2" diskette is available upon request). This diskette contains the BOCARAM/AT PLUS utility software. Some of the software, such as the BRPTEST and INSTALL programs, are used for testing and installing the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board. BRPEMM, BRATDISK, and BRATSPL are provided for use with expanded memory only. In order to make use of this EMS utility software, several device drivers must be properly installed in the CONFIG.SYS file on your boot disk. The BOCARAM/AT PLUS package comes complete with a software installation program called INSTALL.EXE. This program is used to install the BOCARAM/AT PLUS utility software on your boot diskette and to set up the BOCARAM/AT PLUS. To run the INSTALL program, first boot your system with a DOS diskette (no AUTOEXEC or CONFIG.SYS). Next, insert the BOCARAM/AT PLUS utility diskette in the A: drive of your computer. Type A: [ENTER], then type the command:
This is the simpler of the two configuration routines provided (the other one is ADVINST). INSTALL allows for automatic installation. For additional information on some of the technical aspects which may arise during configuration, refer to the Appendices. NOTE: The BOCARAM/AT PLUS configuration program (INSTALL) automatically selects the speed at which the BOCARAM/AT PLUS will operate in your machine based on the current speed setting. If you have a machine which is capable of switching speeds, switch it to the highest speed setting before configuring the BOCARAM/AT PLUS. If this is not done, the memory on the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board may not function properly at high speeds.
CPU Speed vs. Bus Speed
Two possibly confusing terms used throughout the configuration routines are CPU speed and bus speed. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) speed is generally quoted in MegaHertz (MHz) and refers to the frequency at which the system microprocessor is being clocked. The higher the CPU speed, the faster your computer can perform its basic operations. With 80286 and 80386 microprocessor based machines, CPU speeds may range from 6MHz to 25MHz or even 33MHz. The bus speed refers to the system clock frequency as it appears to peripherals attached to the system connector bus. The IBM AT and many of its clones have the CPU and the system connector bus running at the same speed. Since many of the first IBM AT computer peripherals were designed for a 6MHz CPU speed, they may not function correctly when the bus speed is above 10MHz. For this reason, manufacturers of computers with the very fastest CPU speeds (16MHz and above) have had to lower the speed that peripherals "see" on the connector bus. It is required that the connector bus and the CPU be synchronous, therefore it is common for systems to be designed with the bus speed at half of the CPU speed. That is, if a system has a 16MHz CPU, then it is likely that the bus operates at 8MHz. 8 MHz is a standard bus speed because it is the maximum allowed under Intel's ISA specification. Most fast machines actually use 8.33 MHz (33% of 25 MHz) or 8.25 MHz (25% of 33MHz). At certain points in the BOCARAM/AT PLUS configuration routines you may
BOCARAM/AT PLUS - Memory Expansion Board
be prompted to verify both the CPU speed and the bus speed. The INSTALL and ADVINST routines are usually accurate in their estimates of both values, therefore, unless you are very confident that the estimated values are wrong, accept them as correct.
Section Five: BOCARAM/AT PLUS Utilities
5.1 The BOCARAM/AT PLUS Installation Program
The INSTALL program is provided for your convenience as an aid in installing the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board. This program should be executed to employ the BOCARAM/AT PLUS's RAM as Conventional and/or Extended memory. Refer to section 4.3 for more information on using INSTALL.
5.2 BRPEMM--The Expanded Memory Manager
The BRPEMM driver combines all EMS 3.2, EEMS, and EMS 4.0 functions. Software SPECIFICALLY written to make use of new EMS 4.0 functions will operate efficiently in expanded memory. Software that runs under EMS 3.2 will function similarly under EMS 4.0 since EMS 4.0 is backward compatible to EMS 3.2.
Installing the BRPEMM Device Driver on Your System
If you ran ADVINST and selected Expanded Memory, then the following line should be added to the top of your CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=BRPEMM.SYS The Expanded Memory Manager will be installed by DOS and it will examine your BOCARAM/AT PLUS board to determine how much memory is installed. Upon rebooting, a screen similar to the following will be displayed: *****************************************************************
Boca Research EMS 4.0 V1.00 -- Decoding port parameters Testing 128 pages starting with page 0 on EMS board at 0268 128 pages found on EMS board at 0268
Installation Completed -- 128 pages found,
2048K RAM Available
Some of the information on your screen may differ depending upon what choices you have made during installation. The information shown here appears on a system in which only one BOCARAM/AT PLUS is being used for expanded memory. This happens if you specify the amount of expanded memory to be less than the amount of RAM on your most populated BOCARAM/AT PLUS.
The BRATDISK program allows you to create up to four disk volumes that will be stored entirely in RAM. Because the BRATDISK program is integrated with the Expanded Memory Manager package, any RAMdisk created with BRATDISK will not take away from conventional (i.e., system) RAM. The RAMdisk contents will be stored in the EMS RAM which will be shared with applications that use expanded memory asan extension of their work space. This means that the Expanded Memory Manager must be installed before using BRATDISK. Please refer to section 3 for more information on expanded memory. Prior to using the BRATDISK utility you must modify your CONFIG.SYS file to include the RAMDISK device driver. If you installed your BOCARAM/AT PLUS with INSTALL, this will have been performed by the configuration program (section 5.1). If you configured your BOCARAM/AT PLUS board with the advanced configuration utility program (ADVINST) then you must add the line "DEVICE=BRATDISK.SYS" below the line "DEVICE=BRPEMM.SYS" in the CONFIG.SYS file.To use the BRATDISK utility, place the utility diskette in drive A:, type A: [ENTER], then type: BRATDISK 360K [ENTER] {specify size from 49K to 32M}. This will create a 360K RAMdisk. The drive specification assigned to this RAMdisk will be the next available drive from DOS. Please be aware that the "K" units parameter which follows the size is optional and may be omitted, or replaced with "M" to allocate RAM in megabytes. When the "ALL" parameter is used, BRATDISK will allocate the remaining EMM RAM to the RAMdisk. An example is shown
BRATDISK may also be used to discard a previously allocated RAMdisk image. Enter the BRATDISK command with a drive letter preceded by a hyphen. For example: BRATDISK -D [ENTER] will cause the RAMdisk D: to be deallocated and its RAM returned to the available EMS RAM. WARNING: Like all RAMdisks, the data contained in the disk image is only valid while power is applied. When the system is powered down or the contents of the RAM is otherwise disturbed, the data on the RAMdisk will be lost. Therefore a RAMdisk is most useful for storing programs and data files that are not changed and may be restored from diskette or hard disk if lost accidentally. If using a RAMdisk for data files, make backups frequently. BRATDISK offers the option of changing the number of default drives initialized at boot-up, to a value of 4 or less (4 is the default). By placing a number from 1 to 4 after the device driver statement in the CONFIG.SYS file, you can control the maximum number of allowable RAMdisks in the system. For example, a LAN workstation with one hard drive can be configured to operate with only 2 RAMdisks, avoiding a conflict with the assigned network drive "F:". BRATDISKs are designed to survive a warm boot (Control-ALT- DEL) If you have created a RAMdisk prior to a warm boot, it will remain present at the same drive letter with all of its data intact. If you do not wish the RAMdisk to survive a warm boot, place the "/N" parameter at the end of the BRPEMM.SYS line of your CONFIG.SYS file. This will disable the warm boot feature of the RAMdisks.
5.4 BRATSPL--The Print Spooler Program
The BRATSPL program is used to create an internal buffer in expanded memory. This buffer stores data sent to the printer, and transmits it to the specified printer port as quickly as the printer can accept it. This allows you to continue using your computer while information is printed in the background. As with the BRATDISK utility, the BRATSPL program utilizes the Expanded Memory Manager. This means that the Expanded Memory Manager (BRPEMM.SYS) must be installed before using BRATSPL. To use the Print spooler, enter the BRATSPL command with device and size parameters separated by a colon. For example, place the utility diskette in drive A: and type A: [ENTER]. Then type: BRATSPL {device}:{size in K/M} [ENTER] where device is one of the standard device names: LPT (LPT1, LPT2, LPT3); print spooler assigned to LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3. If spooled output is to be directed to PRN, use the LPT1 device parameter since BRATSPL treats them the same. The size parameter can vary from 0K to 8 Meg. Please be aware that the size parameter will automatically increase to the next multiple of 16K if a multiple of 16 is not specified. If the size parameter is omitted, 0K is assumed and the print buffer for the indicated device is deallocated. If the M indicator is used then the size specified will be converted to megabytes. Once the Print Spooler is allocated, the BRATSPL program features an options menu for managing the print buffer. To access this menu, press the SHIFT and PRTSC (Print Screen) keys simultaneously. The options are displayed at the top of the screen and are shown on the next page. *****************************************************************
0 - Print Screen Standard Print Screen Option
1 – Wait Pauses the printer. Press "2" to resume.
2 – Continue Resumes printing after a "Wait was generated.
3 - Formfeed Standard Formfeed option. Useful for advancing paper to top of page between files. 4 – Reset Resets the printer and clears the printer buffer and the print spooler buffer.
5 – Delete Clears the print spooler buffer ONLY, not the printer buffer.
6 – Status Shows the amount of data left in the print spooler buffer.
7 – Exit Exits the options menu.
Some of the above options will prompt you for a device if the selected option requires it.
Extensive checking of the BOCARAM/AT PLUS components is conducted every time you power up your system. In addition, the BRPTEST program is provided on your Utility diskette which will supply additional diagnostic information regarding the board's performance. WARNING: The BRPTEST utility may require substantial time to perform its testing of the BOCARAM/AT PLUS. The BRPTEST program will test all of the memory on the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board. To insure proper operation of the test, remove all ther extended and expanded memory boards from the system (even other BOCARAM/AT PLUS boards). Please note that all data in the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board's memory at the time BRPTEST is run will be destroyed. Depending on the configuration of the BOCARAM/AT PLUS, the BRPTEST program will test the conventional memory between 512K and 640K, then test the extended memory, and finally test the expanded memory. During the testing, the screen will display messages similar to the following if there are no errors in the system:
**************************************************************** BOCARAM/AT PLUS MEMORY TEST PROGRAM version X.XX
BOCARAM/AT PLUS - Memory Expansion Board
CONVENTIONAL MEMORY DATA TEST Testing RAM from 512k to 640k... No Errors occurred in this test CONVENTIONAL MEMORY ADDRESS TEST Testing RAM from 512k to 640k... No Errors occurred in this test
Testing RAM above 1 Meg... No Errors occurred in this test
Testing Expanded Memory Data... No Errors occurred in this test
Testing Expanded Memory Address Lines... No Errors occurred in this test Testing Expanded Memory Page Register... No Errors occurred in this test
There are three different types of errors which may be reported by the BRPTEST program. The first two errors deal principally with the hardware on the board itself and may require factory service. If you see either of the following messages:
Port Retention Error Detected
Page Addressing Error Detected
Please record the error message and contact the vendor from whom you purchased your BOCARAM/AT PLUS board. The last class of error message results from detection of a bad RAM chip. If you are properly equipped, you may wish to replace the bad chip yourself. If a bad chip is detected, you will be presented with a message similar to the one below: RAM Data Error - Bank: ? Error Mask: ???????? If you do not intend to replace the chip yourself, please record the message and contact your vendor. If you wish to replace the chip yourself, use the following information to determine the location of the faulty part.
Determining the Location of a Faulty RAM Chip
The following information may be useful in determining which chip is causing errors on a BOCARAM/AT PLUS.
* Banks 0-7 are present on the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board.
* The topmost chip of each bank represents the parity bit position.
* The lowest chip of each bank represents the lowest bit position and the bit positions increase as you go up the board.
Given this information, analyze the following error message reported by the BRPTEST program: P76543210 RAM Data Error-Bank: 1 Error Mask: P00100000
Step 1: The faulty chip is reported residing in bank 1 of the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board. This would be the second bank of chips from the right. Locate this bank of chips on your BOCARAM/AT PLUS.
Step 2: According to the error mask reported, the faulty chip represents the fifth bit position within the bank. Beginning from the top of the board count down four chips. You have successfully isolated the faulty chip. Refer to the previous diagram to see the shaded chip which has been determined defective.
The banks are labelled U1 through U8. If the test flags a chip as bad in a specific bank, that ENTIRE MODULE MUST BE REPLACED. The SIMM module is not user-serviceable, but before scrapping a 1MB SIMM, remove it and then reinstall it to verify that it is seated properly. Then re-test the board. The following table will aid in the translation of a bank error to a SIMM error:
BANK 01234567
SIMMSocket U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8
For example: If you received a RAM Data Error Bank: 1 Error Mask: P00100000, the SIMM module in socket U2 is potentially defective. Visually inspect the SIMM module to ensure that it is properly seated and not damaged. You may further wish to confirm a bad SIMM module by swapping it for one that tested good. If the error follows the SIMM, it is bad. You will have to replace it.
5.6 BRATEMSE--The Emulated Expanded Memory Manager
The BRATEMSE program provides an Emulation of the Expanded Memory Manager in extended memory. This program is designed for applications where standard expanded memory is not available due to addressing conflicts. This is only desirable if four contiguous 16K pages are unavailable between C000H and E000H, which could occur in the following situations:
1. You have an Enhanced Graphics Adapter or Video Graphics Array AND a Novell network card OR two Bernoulli drives and the D000H page segment is not available for the Expanded Memory Manager.
2. You have tried to run INSTALL, the installation program, and have been given the following message "Severe error 0002......" To use the BRATEMSE.SYS program, the following line needs to be added to the CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=BRATEMSE.SYS (#of 16K pages) If no number is entered on this line, the driver assumes that ALL available extended memory will be used as Emulated Expanded Memory. The BRATEMSE.SYS driver uses approximately 70K of conventional memory. NOTE: BRATEMSE automatically reserves one 16K page for compatibility with other extended memory applications. For example, if you have a 4 MB BOCARAM/AT PLUS and you want to use all of it for Emulated Expanded Memory, the line added to your CONFIG.SYS file should read: DEVICE=BRATEMSE.SYS 256 => BRATEMSE will use 255 pages for Emulated Expanded Memory and reserve one 16K page for compatibility. It is important to check your CONFIG.SYS file to be sure that BRPEMM.SYS is not loaded. It is not recommended to use RAMDISK.SYS with BRATEMSE.SYS to make RAMdisks. Although it will work, it is much slower than hardware EMS. If a RAMdisk is desired, please use VDISK. It is not recommended to use the BOCARAM/AT PLUS Print Spooler with the Emulated Expanded Memory Manager (BRATEMSE.SYS). If you are planning to use VDISK, you need to install the proper line (see your DOS manual for syntax) in your CONFIG.SYS file.
5.7 EMMSTAT--The Expanded Memory Status Program
The EMMSTAT program provides a display of the status of any expanded memory currently installed in your system. To see the current status, place the utility diskette in drive A: and type A:
[ENTER]. Then type: EMMSTAT [ENTER] A screen similar to the following will appear: ***************************************************************
Expanded Memory Status Routine -
The resident memory manager supports EMS 4.0 Frame segment address = XXXXH
0 0K
1 16K
Free EMS memory = XXXXK Total EMS memory = XXXK
5.8 BRCLEAR--The Configuration Clearing Program
The BRCLEAR program clears the configuration of the BOCARAM/AT PLUS from the EEPROM. This program should be run before the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board is moved to another computer. This will ensure that there are no conflicts with the new machine or other boards in it. Additionally, other BOCARAM/AT PLUS software (i.e., INSTALL) may prompt you to run this software upon the detection of a conflict.
5.9 ADVINST--The Advanced Installation Program
The ADVINST program provides advanced installation capabilities for the technically adept user. Use this program to configure the board for expanded or a combination of expanded and extended memory. In most cases, default settings presented will suffice. If you wish to custom configure the board, make sure that you have sound knowledge of memory address mapping and timing of all boards in the system. Follow the on screen prompts; press F1 for help if needed. If in doubt, do not use ADVINST; in most instances the INSTALL program will optimally configure the board.
5.10 BRATZERO--The Zero Wait-State Compatibility Device Driver
The BRATZERO program provides compatibility with zero wait-state operation. This driver will be installed in your CONFIG.SYS file by the INSTALL program if it determined that your BOCARAM/AT PLUS board is capable of running at zero wait-states in your machine. This depends upon the speed of your computer and on the RAM chips installed on your BOCARAM/AT PLUS. The board will then be switched into zero wait- state mode upon system boot-up. If you ran ADVINST and selected zero wait-state operation for any BOCARAM/AT PLUS, then you must add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=BRATZERO.SYS
BOCARAM/AT PLUS - Memory Expansion Board
5.11 BRATMEM--The Memory Size Determination Routine
NOTE: Some extended memory managers (e.g., HIMEM.SYS) and similar programs will cause invalid information to be reported. To insure valid test results for extended memory, boot the system from a bootable DOS diskette with no AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS, then run the BRATMEM utility. In order to simplify the installation of your BOCARAM/AT PLUS board, the BRATMEM program has been provided to determine how much memory is currently present in the system. By simply running BRATMEM you will be informed as to how much conventional, expanded, and extended memory is currently in the system. Furthermore, the BRATMEM program will also tell you which, if any, of the Expanded Memory Port Addresses are currently in use.
************************************************************** BRATMEM - The Memory Determination Routine V1.01
The system currently acknowledges the presence of the following memory:
Conventional: XXXK bytes
Extended: XXXK bytes
Expanded Memory is not formally recognized by the system
and requires the use of an Expanded Memory Manager in order to be used.
Press any key to continue.
Once the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board is installed, the BRATMEM program may be used to inform your system of the presence of any conventional or extended memory supplied by the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board. Normally, after installing a memory board you would have to run the SETUP portion of IBM's AT diagnostics diskette to inform the system that additional memory is present. As an alternative, the BRATMEM program configures the system based on the additional memory provided by the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board. The BRATMEM program checks how much memory is in the system and then displays this information for your approval. If you approve, the program modifies the system's CMOS RAM which holds the system configuration data.
BRATMEM -- The Memory Determination Routine V1.01
The system currently acknowledges the presence of the following memory:
Conventional memory: 640K bytes
Extended memory: 2048K bytes
An Expanded Memory Manager is installed at interrupt 67H. Expanded Memory Page Frame: D000
Pages of EMS Memory available: 127 (2032K)
Press any key to continue. ***************************************************************** Appendix A: Adding RAM Chips
The RAM installed on your BOCARAM/AT PLUS board consists of 1 Meg DIP Dynamic RAM (DRAM) chips with speeds of 120 nanoseconds or faster. By using faster DRAM chips, the performance of the BOCARAM/AT PLUS will increase, however any benefit gained by using a faster DRAM depends to a great degree on the clock speed of the machine in which it is installed. The speed of the BOCARAM/AT PLUS is also governed by the slowest speed RAM chip on the board, therefore populating 2 Meg with 100 ns DRAM and 2 Meg with 120 ns DRAMs will result in all 4 Meg being treated as 120ns DRAMs. Your BOCARAM/AT PLUS comes in a variety of configurations: 2, 4, or 8MB, or unpopulated You must entirely fill a pair of banks (two rows of nine chips) and the RAM banks must be adjacent, beginning with bank 0. You must add memory in even increments (i.e., 2, 4,8MB at a time). Adding odd amounts of RAM (e.g., 3MB) is not a valid configuration The procedures below explain the process of removing and replacing RAM chips. NOTE: The BOCARAM/AT PLUS board should always be removed from the computer and placed in a static-free environment before removing or installing RAM chips. Almost all DIP chips have a semicircular, or half-moon indentation at one end for alignment reference. When installing your chips be sure that this notch is towards the left of the BOCARAM/AT PLUS board. The parts on the board which hold the RAM chips are called sockets. Each socket has a row of pin receptacles on either side. If the two rows of pins on the chip seem too wide to fit into the receptacles, you can place the RAM chip on its side and gently angle the pins on the upper side downward with both thumbs to make a slight inward adjustment. Be sure that each pin on the RAM chip lines up to a receptacle before pressing it into place on the board. It is very important that none of the pins are bent under or out. If this occurs, the chip will have to be removed and the pin straightened. The final step in the installation process should include testing the newly installed RAM chips. This can be accomplished by running the BRPTEST utility program supplied on your BOCARAM/AT PLUS utility diskette. Please refer to section 5.5 of this manual which describes the BRPTEST procedure for more information.
SIMM stands for Single Inline Memory Module. You must add memory in even increments (i.e., 2, 4, 6, 8MB at a time). Adding odd amounts of RAM (e.g., 3MB) is not a valid configuration NOTE: 256K SIMMs cannot be used. SIMMs combine nine memory chips on a small printed circuit board that plugs in as a single assembly. SIMMs are added in pairs starting with the top pair (U1, U2) and working your way down. The locking tabs on the end of the SIMM socket hold the SIMM in place.
Position the board for a common reference point. Place the board in front of you, component side up, with the bracket to your right and the edge connector on the bottom. Align the SIMM so that the pin-1 designation (usually labeled 1 and notched on one corner) is to the left. Pin 1 on the SIMM should line up with pin 1 on the socket. Holding the module at about a 70-degree angle to the socket, with the component side up, insert the module's connectors into the socket. Apply a slight downward pressure to the side of the SIMM until it snaps into place. CAUTION: VERY LITTLE PRESSURE IS NEEDED; TOO MUCH CAN BREAK THE TABS ON THE SOCKET. The module should clip into the locking tabs at each end of the socket. When the module is fully inserted, retaining pegs snap into holes at each end of the module to hold the module firmly in place. If the pegs do not fit into the holes, or the module pops out of the socket, verify that the module is properly oriented and/or fully inserted into the socket. To remove a SIMM, gently pry the tabs away from each end of the SIMM at the same time and pull the module forward and out of the socket. WARNING! Excessive pressure will damage the socket. Do not apply any more pressure than is necessary for the tab to clear the SIMM module.
SIMMs U1-U2 U1-U4 U1-U6 U1-U8
must be added as follows: 2MB
Appendix B: Technical Specifications
Compatibility: IBM AT 80286/80386-based systems, IBM XT, PS/2 Model 30 286, and true compatibles. Size: 13.3" x 4.2" (DRAM version); 9.9" x 4.2" (SIMM version)
Speed: up to 33 MHz (estimated)
Power: 1A @ +5V
Chips: 1 Meg x 1 DRAM, DIP packaging, 120, 100, or 80ns (DRAM version) 1 Mb x 9 SIMMs (SIMM version)
5-Year Warranty
Made in U.S.A.
Appendix C: Troubleshooting Possible Hardware Conflicts
CPU: 486 DX2/66 MOBO: SNI-D882 RAM: 3x16MB - FDD: 3,5" 1,44MB HDD: 6,4GB Seagate ISA(1): Audican32Plus PCI(1): 3com TX 905 OS: MsDos622 - Win95a - WinNT 3.51
Beiträge: 2347
Registriert: Mo 8. Feb 2010, 16:59

Re: Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Beitrag von drzeissler »


Wenn ich das hier lese: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expanded_M ... cification
scheint es mir so zu sein, als ob IMMER 64KB im Konventionellen RAM erforderlich sind, also egal ob extendend Memory auf der Speicherkarte und EMM286 nachgeladen, oder ExpandenMemory auf der Speicherkarte eingestellt und den passenden Treiber bspw. EMM.sys nachgeladen.

Auf gut Deutsch, verliere ich am 286er immer 64KB konventionellen Speicher bei der Verwendung von EMS, mach eine dauerhafte Einrichtung des EMS keinen Sinn.

CPU: 486 DX2/66 MOBO: SNI-D882 RAM: 3x16MB - FDD: 3,5" 1,44MB HDD: 6,4GB Seagate ISA(1): Audican32Plus PCI(1): 3com TX 905 OS: MsDos622 - Win95a - WinNT 3.51
Beiträge: 606
Registriert: So 17. Okt 2010, 14:40

Re: Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Beitrag von wobo »

EMS = expanded memory system (Win286 und DP benötigen daher nach Deinen Angaben dieselbe speicherart)

EMS benötigt ein Zugriffsfenster von 64 kb unterhalb von 1 MB. Bei der reinen Software-Lösung liegt diese in der Regel im Bereich <640k; bei Hardware - EMS liegt diese in der Regel bei Seg $D000, also im Bereich 640k-1024k.

Deine BOCA kann nach dem Hilfe-Zitat in SECTION 2 jedenfalls den 128kb - backfill im Bereich unterhalb 640k und legt den 64k-Puffer im (EMS-Standard-Segment) $D000 ab, also oberhalb von 640k. Du verlierst also keine 64k im unteren Speicher (der EMS-Treiber selbst verbrät aber auch noch Speicher, wie Du ja selbst geschrieben hast.)

EMS ist nicht zwangsläufig langsamer als Extended Memory (XMS). Die Geschwindigkeit von EMS hängt sehr von der EMS-Ram-Karte ab und dem Bus - Takt. Ob Win286 mit EMS tatsächlich langsamer als mit XMS läuft, müßte man wohl einfach mal ausprobieren ;-) (Wenn Win286 den 16bit-pmode nutzt, dürfte es in der Tat schneller mit XMS laufen; wenn Win286 ein reines Real-Mode - Programm ist, könnte - je nach EMS-Karte- auch EMS schneller sein).
Beiträge: 2347
Registriert: Mo 8. Feb 2010, 16:59

Re: Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Beitrag von drzeissler »

Danke. Ich werde das ausprobieren.

CPU: 486 DX2/66 MOBO: SNI-D882 RAM: 3x16MB - FDD: 3,5" 1,44MB HDD: 6,4GB Seagate ISA(1): Audican32Plus PCI(1): 3com TX 905 OS: MsDos622 - Win95a - WinNT 3.51
Beiträge: 2347
Registriert: Mo 8. Feb 2010, 16:59

Re: Ich habe ihn, den schönsten 286er Schneider Tower AT

Beitrag von drzeissler »


ich habe die BocaRAM-AT jetzt als 1024 Extended und 512 Expanded konfiguriert.
Leider bekomme ich unregelmäßig einen Parity-Fehler. Leider finde ich bisher nicht heraus, woher der kommt.
Der Parity-Fehler taucht nur in Verbindung mit der Nutzung von EMS auf. (bspw. Deluxepaint => Bild laden)
Wenn ich den Bustakt senke 12,5 => 6,25 bei normaler CPU Taktung (12,5) scheint es seltener aufzutreten,
aber er ist nicht weg. Ich benötige aber einen stabilen Rechner.

Habt Ihr eine Idee, wie man das feststellen kann.
CPU: 486 DX2/66 MOBO: SNI-D882 RAM: 3x16MB - FDD: 3,5" 1,44MB HDD: 6,4GB Seagate ISA(1): Audican32Plus PCI(1): 3com TX 905 OS: MsDos622 - Win95a - WinNT 3.51