von Langer Don » Mi 22. Feb 2023, 23:15
Hey Ya!
Had another look at it and issue's, I'd guess, missing Insert/Eject Notification in Ahci.sys from HP. C&C Install works fine with Ahcicd.sys from R. Loew and Eltorito.sys from Syslinux Project. By the way, the game itself runs with Ahci.sys, too, when already installed. Would've loved to also test new Ahcicd.dll, yet it failed to load on my machine.
Full error in C&C Install with Ahci.sys is:-
Code: Alles auswählen
DOS/4GW Professional Protected Mode Run-time Version 1.97
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994
DOS/4GW Professional fatal error (1313): can't resolve external references
Hey Ya!
Had another look at it and issue's, I'd guess, missing Insert/Eject Notification in Ahci.sys from HP. C&C Install works fine with Ahcicd.sys from R. Loew and Eltorito.sys from Syslinux Project. By the way, the game itself runs with Ahci.sys, too, when already installed. Would've loved to also test new Ahcicd.dll, yet it failed to load on my machine.
Full error in C&C Install with Ahci.sys is:-
DOS/4GW Professional Protected Mode Run-time Version 1.97
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994
DOS/4GW Professional fatal error (1313): can't resolve external references[/code]