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Frage zu Railroad Tycoon 1

Verfasst: Mo 28. Mai 2018, 08:13
von markusk

Weiß eventuell jemand wie sich die Schwierigkeitseinstellung (Investor, Financier, Mogul oder Tycoon) auswirkt?
Ich weiß nur daß es sich auf die Anzahl der Railroads auswirkt die man übernehmen bzw. an denen man sich beteiligen kann, aber detaillierte Infos bezüglich der sonstigen Auswirkung der Einstellung auf den Spielverlauf konnte ich nirgends finden.

lg, Markus

Re: Frage zu Railroad Tycoon 1

Verfasst: Do 21. Jun 2018, 00:27
von villeneuve
Hi, hier die relevanten Stellen aus dem Handbuch (allerdings der Deluxe-Version, k. A. ob das einen Unterschied macht):

The Investor level is the easiest level to play and the difficulty
increases as you move down the list. The level of difficulty affects how
much revenue is earned by each delivery. You may run your Railroad
for 100 years unless forced into early retirement.
The level of difficulty chosen also affects your tycoon rating when
you retire, as explained below in the section on Difficulty Factors.

The difficulty factor is a measure of the degree of difficulty that
you have set for your game. When you retire or are forcibly retired, the
difficulty factor helps to determine your retirement bonus and tycoon
ranking. The difficulty factor is a percentage, from 25% to 100%, and
the higher the percentage, the higher your ranking is, other things
being equal.
The difficulty factor has two general components, the levels of
difficulty and reality that you have set for your game. Each level of
difficulty has a difficulty factor value.
To these factors are added the factors from each of the reality
levels. The easier levels of reality have a 0% difficulty factor. The
difficult levels of reality are each assigned a number of difficulty
factors that are added to your total when selected.
When you are setting the level of reality for your game, the
Difficulty Factor window is also visible. Within this window is
displayed the current difficulty factor of your game, ranging up to a
maximum of 100%, and set at first by the level of difficulty that you
have already chosen. As you adjust the reality levels, you can see the
difficulty factor changing with each adjustment.
New players should start with a very modest reality level. A
difficulty factor of 100% is achieved by playing at the tycoon level with
all three of the difficult reality levels turned on. This is the ultimate
Railroad Tycoon challenge.
The effect of your difficulty factor on your retirement bonus reflects
the number of jobs you took on as president of your railroad. If you
additionally acted as your railroad’s dispatcher, had to battle much
fiercer competition, and acted as your railroad’s shipping agent, then
your bonus is going to be larger.